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mon CyberProfje pose une questionje demande à corriger un exerciceje souhaite la correction d'un devoir
Anglais > sujets expliqués - 24/03/2009 - correction

Test production anglais

bonjour voici ma question:
j'ai besoin d'une correction de faute?
(j'ai essayer de faire mieux que la derniere fois)

since I am arriving in America I havent yet to find a job and I sleep in a Christian association of the New York City. It's very difficult to integrate, it's another world to learn and It's hard to get papers when you are an immigrant like me. I cant speak normaly with the American, they speaks too fast. Fortunately there are very nice people who trying to help me ,to send a cv and to look for a job. Once they found me a job selling
but the recruiter refused me, because I don't understand english very well, and i havent got a car. The first time in the subway I'm lost and,I took 8 hours to find the local, cities are so great in the United States. I have difficulties to get used to ,but I hope in time to arrange everything for me. otherwise all is well in England since the last time we saw. I m waiting your answer




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 . Collège
 . Lycée
 . Fac (DEUG)
 . Classes préparatoires - CPGE
 . BTS
 . DUT
 . Fac (> DEUG)
 . Ecoles (> BAC+2)

parents d'élèves :  nos conseils

Qu'est-ce que ?

Derniers devoirs traités

 . Dm anglais
 . Correction devoir d'anglais
 . Correction devoir anglais
 . Corriger devoir anglais
 . Myths and heros
 . Spaces and exchanges
 . Lieux et formes de pouvoir
 . Idée de progrès
 . Mythes et héros
 . Lettre
 . Correction de la rédaction d'anglais
 . Correction de dissertation sur la reconstruction era
 . Bac oral anglais
 . Correction qcm
 . Document 5 pages