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Anglais > sujets expliqués - 19/05/2009 - correction

Faire un email de 100 mots en anglais

A client has asked you to inform him of recent anti-competitive activities in the telecommunications sector in the EU and the measures taken against the offending compagnies.
Using the information in table 2 (donné en annexe), write a short email to your client in which you compare the anti-competitive activities in the three telecommunications cases.



Voici le tableau 2 et un exemple. En effet, malgré l'exemple, je n'arrive pas à reformuler des phrases cohérentes et ma syntaxe n'est pas correcte.




voici le tableau 2 et l'exemple




Ci-joint fichier








Voici mon devoir:

Dear client.

Further to your e-mail on may 1st 2009, here are some precision of the anti-competitive activities concerning telecommunications whitin the European Union,and, the pruses measures against them.
This information concerns three countries of the European Union.
A compagny of telecommunication in Italy was condemned for a fine to have made are abuse of position.
A compagny of telecommunication Slovak was condemned for a fine not to have respected sets of the free-market economy.
Finally, in Czech Republiv, the administrative Supreme Court condemned a compagny of telecommunication, after the office for the protection of the competition noticed that this compagny abused its dominant position, by charging discriminatory prices.

I hope that this information will be usefull for you.
Sincerely Yours.




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